Mar 10, 2013

Manfred Bischoff.

Things have been so hectic as we are all trying to see as many exhibitions as possible, so I have not been attending to the blog posts as I thought I might! But I am going to post an entry still (but a little late) for many of the shows I saw the last few days! Many of us are leaving Munich soon, so check back for more posts as we recap events and re-organize our lives/brains.


close up of drawings/marks on the display

view through the front window of the gallery
These photos are from a very small gallery with a very nice front window, Maurer Zilioli-Contemporary Arts, and showcased the work of Manfred Bischoff on one side and Bruno Martinazzi on the other. I only have photos of Manfred's work for some reason-- I think because I was particularly interested in the drawings and drawn-like qualities of his gold work. The display was really very simple and unlike seeing work in a museum, you could get very close to the pieces. It was great to have an up close view of his pieces (and most jewelry because of its often small scale) as there are many subtleties in the texture, line, and finish of the gold work. Small areas have been selectively scratched or burnished and are evident only at certain angles. So many beautiful discoveries and irregularities! Also, he had a great foldout catalog for sale for only €3, so we were able to get a take-away with really nice photos of his work. I also tried to identify a man that worked there as Manfred Bischoff, which he totally was not, and laughed at me for asking... but I had to ask... I wanted to meet him. :) Overall, this was a tiny but lovely exhibition.

Dank für das Lesen ...Thanks for reading (??)

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